What is this site? 
This website was built for Boulder Valley for private school fundraising. This site unlike “Go Fund Me” or others, is fully operated by the Boulder Valley School District and does not take any percentage of the funds raised.
Every Penny Counts.
How it works:
Invitations will be sent to the students based on a list provided by the coach. The student will receive an invitation to login and register their list of donors.
Donor’s emails will be sent out by the administrator. The donor invitation will provide a link to the fundraiser website and login information. This registration process only associates the donations to the appropriate student.
Once the donate button is selected the donor is transferred to the Revtrak website to handle the personal data and the credit card transactions.
Secure and Private.
By utilizing RevTrak (which currently processes fees for the county) there is no middle man or secondary charges for handing of the funds. The donations deposit directly into the Boulder Valley School District bank account and the district is the one responsible for the distribution to each school and fundraiser.
Counting Every Penny.
This website was developed to give Boulder Valley the advantages of a traditional fundraiser website but keeping it SAFE by eliminating second or third parties.
If you need specific information or have any questions please email directly:
Contact is Cory Kelly
Tutorials Below

Click Here for Student Tutorial Click Here for Donor Tutorial